


Manufacturing-Machine Learning and AI


Use data and analytics to improve products and operations.

Leap ahead with best-in-class visual, predictive, and streaming analytics technologies.

The Trium info Insight Platform fuses our visual, predictive, and streaming analytics technologies providing a tool suite for optimizing business operations. Like a digital nervous system, it lets you build intelligence in your business, generates actionable insights in real time and let’s you capitalize on them. The platform lets you source the right data, analyze it with various techniques, and implement the resulting insights as a closed-loop solution with built-in continuous learning.

Featured Benefits

Prevent Machine Breakdowns

Data from sensors in the field and on the factory floor can be used to identify leading indicators of machine failures, optimize asset utilization, and schedule maintenance to achieve best performance and productivity. Monitoring with Trium info is an excellent way to sense and respond to signals in real time.

Prevent Machine Breakdowns
Avoid Expensive Quality Issues

Avoid Expensive Quality Issues

Quality issues can become very expensive if not caught early. Quality swings are a fact of life, sometimes even after lean manufacturing techniques have been applied. Using Trium info to monitor quality allows early identification and rapid response to quality issues before they cause huge expense in the operational budget.

Boost Product Yields

Data-driven root-cause analysis, process debottleneck analysis, and defect reduction initiatives can all help in diagnosing and correcting process flaws that influence product yields. Using Trium info for yield management enables rapid root-cause analysis, baseline creation, and testing what-if scenarios.

Boost Product Yields


Smart Analytics

Smart Analytics

With Trium info visual analytics, its innovative AI-driven recommendation engine, and full-featured data discovery toolset, time to insight is dramatically fast. Take manufacturing data sets that were previously isolated, and aggregate, slice and dice, and analyze them to generate important new insights.

Rich Operational Dashboards

Rich Operational Dashboards

Basic dashboards are great at conveying simple metrics but not for gaining deep insights. Build rich interactive analytic apps and dashboards that allow deep exploration and guided analysis to reveal actionable insights. Trium infos LiveView™ Web and Desktop clients make it easy to visualize live operational data.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Machine learning is often more effective than traditional analytics. machine learning algorithms can uncover the hidden relationships between manufacturing variables and product yields and quality, even if traditional correlation analysis doesn’t find strong signals.

Deep Insight From Big Data

Deep Insight From Big Data

Trium info lets you interact with big data just as easily as any other data source. Patterns in historical data can be interactively identified with Trium info, TERR/R, H2O, or ML/MLlib running directly on Hadoop and Spark. It also connects to OSIsoft PI System for operational intelligence.

IoT & Streaming Analytics

IoT & Streaming Analytics

Apply math, modeling, logic, and state to continuously detect and predict anomalies in real-time data flows including Internet of Things (IoT) sensor data, network and web data, and location information—with Trium info StreamBase®.

Built-in Predictive Modeling

Built-in Predictive Modeling

It's easy to work with predictive models with inbuilt connectors for R, PMML, H2O, and SparkML. Trium info and StreamBase include Trium info Enterprise Runtime for R (TERR) as an embedded engine for built-in R code management and execution. Drag-and-drop access to predictive analytics models lets you use analytics from SAS, MATLAB, and other environments.